Well, it’s been a while.
As I sit here, on the eve of 2025, it’s hard to know where to begin.
So, I’ll do my best to just begin.
The second half of 2024 has been unexpectedly busy, exciting and uprooting.
But mainly just really … new.
There are lots of new things in my life.
Like a new, full-time job.
All this new-ness has arrived with a growing sense that this newsletter is due a change.
I’ve loved sharing design tips and techniques.
However, I’m not the only person offering this.
In fact, there are many people doing it (in my opinion) far better, like Chris Do and Tom Cargill.
I’ve also moved into an interesting space with my business (and my new job) that is somewhere between Christianity and design.
While I recognise this probably isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, it is a space that I feel I can speak into.
With that in mind, this newsletter will be relaunching in early 2025.
But I won’t be focusing on design tips and techniques.
I’ll be standing at the crossroads between Christianity and design and sharing what I find.
I might reflect on things like this:
I might dive into why Alpha have recently introduced yellow into their previously very red brand.
I might just chuck in some pretty pictures of cathedrals.
I will probably tend towards graphic design and branding.
But I’m interested in ‘design’ in the broadest sense of the word, from architecture to zincography.
And I’m interested in a broad Christianity too, from the Antiochian Orthodox Church to Zwinglianism.
The newsletter will feel more personal than before. It will follow a set structure (a few Christian design-y things, with short reflections on those things).
But there will be a lot of flexibility within that structure.
Who knows where it might end up!
Like I say, it won’t be everyone’s cup of tea.
So, if you signed up for something different (and this new direction isn’t for you), thank you for being a part of the journey.
There’s a link to unsubscribe at the bottom of this email.
If you do want to stick around and see what this new direction will look and feel like, I’m aiming to release the first post in January, followed by a new one every other week.
Happy New Year! And see you in 2025.
— Sam Thorogood, Pilgrimage Design
(views expressed are all solely my own)
I stay! It's my cup of tea 🍵
That tee-shirt is 🔥